VA 10/26/2014

» Posted on Nov 28, 2014


I was supposed to visit on Tuesday, but the sky fell so I didn’t go. Not that I’ll melt or anything, but protecting the dog from the rain is not only well-nigh impossible but also a wet Great Pyrenees is not a pretty sight to see and show to the soldiers, after all, the dog is the star of this little show.
Wednesday brought sun, and a little cooler weather, so were’ on our way to the V.A.~~~~~
We walk in and go down the hall to a lively game of 21~~John is winning today~~I asked him if He was gonna’ take me to lunch~~Yeah Right !!! 🙂 Lenny pats Cody, runs his hands thru the fur, then smiles. We make out way around the rest of the table, then head for the 3rd floor.
Our escort leads us to each room, stops/speaks~~~asks if they would like a dog visit~~inside the room , or just a “door visit” ( ie: a door visit entails stand just inside the door do not go into the room)~~on We go to each room, talking , laughing~~some of the medical personnel also stop for their hug ,for their moment with Cody to alleviate some of the stress that they face everyday.)
Cody goes to the Nurses’ station, stops, waits, but K******** is not there at the moment, so looking a little dejected at no promise of a special treat, He walks on, but later, some of the other nurses made up for Cody’s rejection with LOTS of treats.
I thank My lucky stars that Cody is so athletic and burns the calories up in play, otherwise, He would constantly be on a diet. Denny , on the other hand, is a different story~~that boy stays on a diet !~Slow moving/moseying Denny burns up the floor by laying on it so very often ~~:) 🙂 🙂
We walk to a room that We had visited before~~the wife was there, spoke to us ask us inside. She loved on Cody, then spoke to her husband to let him know that Cody was there. Knowing that Her Husband loved dogs, it was hoped His inter-reaction with the dog would be beneficial. Nothing, no response~
We walked over there anyway~~to reach over , pick up and unresponsive hand and lay it on the dog’s back, to guide it up to the dog’s neck, to help him close His hand on the dog’s ruff and then spread his fingers wide as he experienced the “tactile sensations” cascading up his arm~~~His wife thanked me~~I’m not real sure , but perhaps I should have been thanking Her~~ .