Emeritus 10/22/2014

» Posted on Oct 23, 2014


I found a parking place near the front this morning, so I get out of the van, open the side door, grab a leash , then Denny and I walk to the “message tree”~~Denny reads all messages, leaves one of his own, and we start for the front door.
A small /tiny voice calls out,”may I pet him ?” “Of course you may, you stay there in the shade, I’ll come to you”~~A newbie, small in stature, gray hair, wrinkled skin, and a beautiful smile that lit up Her entire face. We approach Her, She reaches for Denny. How interesting ! I think I see a little moisture coming from Her eyes,. She looks up, and again the smile lights up Her face.
“He is the most beautiful dog I’ve ever seen”, She says~~”I’ve never seen a dog like this, tell me about him “~~
Oh Great, I’m thinking~~Denny walks around with His nose in the air already, this will just add fuel to the fire~~but I talk, She loves on the dog, ( did I mention that I am just the weight on the end of the leash ? )
After a time,We head inside~~wave at *—————, She reminds Me about the “Puppy Parade” coming up and to put the date on My calendar~~ then I start for the Memory Care Unit~~~
everyone is in chairs, all in a circle around the perimeter of the room. It’s exercise time, a beach ball is being thrown or kicked back and forth , some laughter as it is continued for a time.
Denny and I stand on the sidelines, then walk from one to the other,~~after our greetings , Denny walks to the center of the circle, lays down and soaks up the adulation.( Did I mention that I am just a weight on the end of the leash ?) 🙂 So I grab a chair and sit to answer the inevitable questions.
Time to go, on the front porch, a Gentleman and his wife sitting beside an older gentleman ~~A big OHHHHH ! from the Lady, We walk over to them~~The older gentleman has just been admitted,his son and Daughter-in-law sit on the porch with him. We talk, introductions, the Son has been visiting Emeritus for a time, knows most of the therapy dogs, but had never met Denny~~”I left my camera at home” <~~he is not a happy camper~”when is your next visit, I’ll make sure that I am here”~~~
*———— comes walking up with Lexi~~>A Golden Retriever mix~~Denny and Lexi sniff, say hello to each other~~~
So, Denny is leaving, Lexie is going inside to bring more smiles~~

………………………………………………… it’s a good day~