And the Beat Goes On…

» Posted on May 3, 2014

And the Beat Goes On…

By Pam Croy: —  V.A. today but earlier than usual visitation to try and dodge the storm. Cody and I walked into the CLC Office, no one was there~~I’m telling Cody~~ “but they knew I was coming, I called them, something is up “~~~~~
They’re all in the dinning room, the trivia game going full bore. they smiled, they laughed, they winked ,they thanked me for being there ( truth be told, I’m the one that receives the most good from this)~
I answer a trivia question ~> WRONG ! fine, I’ll go visit the other guys, I’m better at that anyway !
“C” and I catch the elevator to go upstairs ,the door opens on the 3rd floor, and we are mobbed. People reach for Cody, love on him, ask questions, give him treats~~Oh! they speak to me also~~:) You know me, right ? I’m the one that Cody lets come along to hold the leash~~~~I get hugs, words about my loss of Bear, I say” thank you, it was time, He’s OK now”
Mr. W. is there, sitting on the couch in the waiting area with His cup of coffee. I’ve already told him that my heart is broken because I found out that there is another woman in his life. Cody walks up, receives his “just due” of a pat and a sweet word or two~~then, with encouragement, jumps up on the couch beside Mr. W. and pictures are taken of the two.
On we go to the rooms~~ John is laying there, watching T.V. and smiles as We walk in the door. Yep ! the man had been taken out to lunch and clothes shopping by the staff, and He looked really cool laying there ( the man has a better social life than I do !) He laughs when I start complaining about being stuck in the house and never get “out and about” like He does. Down he hall we go, Mr. W. is feeling better, He was feeling “puny” there for a time. He’s up in His wheels again, so no longer is stuck in a bed to watch the very long day pass him by. Mr. “B” is sitting up, looking better~no longer does He have to wear His “shades” to protect His eyes after the surgery. We talk a bit, He prefers a “door visit” from Cody and loves on him from afar, ( ie: “door visit”~~> stand in the doorway, do not go into the room or up to the bed with the dog) ,talk/laugh, show Cody off (at a distance) Mr. “B” is not afraid of Cody, just prefers a “door visit”~Kirk is not here, He got to go home for a visit, but will be back soon. He will be with his Mother and sisters again for a time
On we go, more men , some women~~a Lady walking the halls stops us” can you come to room #__? My Husband would love to see the dog”~~and so we do~~talking, laughing ~~He loves dogs, but had never seen a Great Pyrenees ( which He immediately announces that “this has got to be the prettiest dog in he world”) 🙂
So much more, so much to see and experience~~
I was asked one time if I would like to expand into the main Hospital. “Not in this lifetime”~~~cruel and uncaring ? nope ! I love it where I am. I love the staff, the same ole’ same ole’~~I meet the families ~~I know the men and women~~
There’s a “twin pak” of Dobermans that now also visit the guys~~CGC girls, they’ve won over some also~~they love to snuggle, they also bring smiles.
More power to them !